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Monday, September 16, 2024
NewsBiden: Social networks kill people with misinformation

Biden: Social networks kill people with misinformation

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Social networks such as Facebook are “killing people” by allowing misinformation about coronavirus vaccines to be uploaded. This was stated by US President Joe Biden.

“They’re killing people… Look, the only pandemic we’re seeing is the unvaccinated. They’re killing people,” Biden told reporters at the White House when asked about the disinformation and what message it would send to social media like. “Facebook“, which the government of the Democratic president has repeatedly criticized.

Facebook’s management is convinced that the social network contributes to the dissemination of reliable data on coronavirus vaccines, not misinformation, the company said in a statement published by a number of American media, and responded to criticism of the president. TASS.

“The facts show that more than 2 billion people have received reliable information about the COVID-19 vaccines from Facebook, which is more than anywhere else on the Internet. More than 3.3 million Americans have benefited from our services to learn where and how they can be immunized, “the statement said, stressing:” The facts show that Facebook is helping to save lives. “

According to Johns Hopkins University in the United States, more than 34 million people have been infected with COVID-19 since the pandemic began, and more than 608,000 have died from the infection. According to both indicators, the country ranks first in the world.

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