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Sunday, September 29, 2024
HealthThis spice is the most powerful tool for improving mood

This spice is the most powerful tool for improving mood

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Saffron, in particular its extracts, is considered a popular natural health product. It amazingly improves the overall condition of the body.

Saffron is the best way to improve your mood in a natural way. This is the most expensive spice on the planet, it is valuable because of its properties: the ability to improve mood, relax, increase concentration, improve sleep and other valuable effects.

Extracts made from saffron stigmas and petals have a similar effect because they include the same components – carotenoids. Saffron to improve mood Saffron is a popular herbal product for normalizing mood and relieving anxiety. The fact is that the plant has the ability to increase the content of neurotransmitters in the brain: serotonin and dopamine.

Saffron also controls the body’s response to stress.

Studying the effects of saffron extract in a clinical study allows to draw conclusions about its properties to improve mood and relieve stress in adult volunteers. In another study, saffron extract (14 mg – 2 times a day) was given to adolescents who were in a bad mood and anxious for 8 weeks. As a result, there was a visible improvement in the symptoms caused by the mood of adolescents – emotionality, fear of separation and social phobia.

Saffron and drugs with similar action

One of the side effects of antidepressants, which are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs for short), is genital dysfunction.

In women, it manifests itself in such signs: decreased libido and sexual arousal. In men, when taking these drugs, erectile dysfunction and loss of interest in intimacy are not excluded. During the experiment, one group of volunteers of both sexes took SSRIs, another group consumed saffron petal extract (30 mg per day). As a result, in group № 2 there was a significant improvement in some aspects of intimate function. In women, sexual arousal increased, in men there was a positive dynamics in erectile function.

Saffron relieves anxiety and improves sleep quality

Saffron is used as an herbal product to combat stress and improve the quality and duration of night sleep. In a special experiment, volunteers aged 18-70 years with sleep problems consumed 14 mg of saffron extract twice a day for 28 days. As a result, there was a clear improvement in the dynamics of night sleep. Other health benefits of saffron

Saffron has a beneficial effect on the following health problems:

– improving brain function

– protection of the brain and eyes from the aging process

– weakening of the symptoms of PMS

– support in regulating appetite and weight control

– prevention of delayed muscle pain syndrome after intense exercise

– Relieve painful cramps during menstruation

– increase fertility in men

– support for cardiovascular function

– activation of anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms

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