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Monday, September 23, 2024
EuropeDutch television aired the Nazi version of the text of the German...

Dutch television aired the Nazi version of the text of the German anthem

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Juan Sanchez Gil
Juan Sanchez Gil
Juan Sanchez Gil - at The European Times News - Mostly in the back lines. Reporting on corporate, social and governmental ethics issues in Europe and internationally, with emphasis on fundamental rights. Also giving voice to those not being listened to by the general media.

A huge blunder was made by the Dutch television NPO during the performance of the anthem of Germany before the 1/8 finals of the European Football Championship against England at Wembley. The Nazi version of the musical symbol of the German state was broadcast on teletext, which broadcasts subtitles for people with hearing impairments. The media was quick to apologize on Twitter for the release of the text of “Germany above all”.

“During the live broadcast of the England-Germany match, a wrong version of the German anthem was shown due to oversight. The mistake is our employee. We apologize to the viewers who have been affected by this,” the statement said.

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