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EuropeNicola Sturgeon admits an independent Scotland in the EU WOULD mean a...

Nicola Sturgeon admits an independent Scotland in the EU WOULD mean a hard border with England

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Nicola Sturgeon was under fire today after admitting today that an independent Scotland would have to have a hard border with England if it rejoins the EU.

But the First Minister claimed that cross-border businesses and trade would not ‘suffer’ because of it, as she appeared on the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme.

The SNP leader said Scotland would try to negotiate arrangements to ‘keep trade flowing easily across the border’ if it becomes independent and is successful at taking the country back into the EU.

Her comments sparked fury from unionists, who accused her of  planning to oversea actions that would be a ‘hammer blow’ for Scottish businesses.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: ‘By Nicola Sturgeon’s own admission, the SNP are clueless about the economic impact of independence.

The SNP leader said Scotland would try to negotiate arrangements to ‘keep trade flowing easily across the border’ if it becomes independent and is successful at taking the country back into the EU.

The First Minister claimed that cross-border businesses and trade would not ‘suffer’ because of it, as she appeared on the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: ‘By Nicola Sturgeon’s own admission, the SNP are clueless about the economic impact of independence.

Sturgeon accuses Boris of acting like Trump 

Nicola Sturgeon accused Boris Johnson of acting like Donald Trump over Scottish independence today. 

The SNP First Minister likened the Prime Minister’s refusal to countenance a new vote on splitting up the UK to the former US president’s refusal to accept he had lost to Joe Biden last year.

She warned it would be ‘unsustainable’ for the UK Government to block a second referendum if a majority at Holyrood backs it after the May election.

Scotland’s First Minister said that the country must have the chance to put the recovery into its own hands and that ‘Scotland’s future must, and will, be decided by the people of Scotland’.

She also said that taking legal action over the situation would be an ‘appalling’ look for any Prime Minister. 

Writing in the Observer, Ms Sturgeon said that once the Covid crisis has passed, people in Scotland must have the right to choose their future.

She wrote: ‘Tackling the pandemic and getting the recovery under way come first. However, if there is a majority in the Scottish parliament after this election for an independence referendum, then Scotland must have the chance to put the recovery into Scotland’s hands.

‘For the UK Government to seek to block it would be unsustainable. For it to try to take legal action, as has been suggested, would be asking a court to effectively overturn the result of a free and fair democratic election.

‘That would be an appalling look for any prime minister. More to the point, it didn’t work for Donald Trump, and it wouldn’t work for Boris Johnson.’


‘They’ve done no analysis on how many jobs it would put at risk or how much damage would be done to Scotland’s economy.

‘She floundered and didn’t have a single convincing answer to dispel the overwhelming evidence that separating Scotland from the rest of the UK would be devastating for jobs and businesses.’ 

Ms Sturgeon’s comments have echoes of those made by Boris Johnson while attempting to downplay the impact of his Brexit deal on trade with Northern Ireland.

The First Minister said an independent Scotland would ‘comply with all of the requirements of EU membership’ when asked about European Union regulations, customs checks and inspections of goods entering the single market.

She said: ‘We will put in place arrangements and we will negotiate those arrangements for the UK that means that businesses do not, in a practical sense, suffer from any of that.’

Under EU rules, consignments of animals and goods need to be physically inspected before entering the EU’s single market, including 30% of poultry, eggs, milk and fish, and all live animals.

Ms Sturgeon added: ‘I’m not denying that because of the absurdity of Brexit and the Tory Brexit obsession, then all sorts of issues are raised for Scotland completely against our democratic will.

‘What I’m saying is we will work as a country to make sure that for our businesses there is no difficulties in terms of their day-to-day experience in trading.’

She defended the absence of any analysis on the financial impact of independence and said it would be ‘to put the cart rather before the horse’ ahead of another vote.

‘Before we get to a point where we’re asking people to choose whether or not they want Scotland to become independent – which is the choice of the Scottish people – just as we did in 2014, we will set out all of the implications of independence, all of the advantages of independence, and all the practical issues that people have to consider so that people make an informed choice,’ she added. 

Following Ms Sturgeon’s interview, Labour’s shadow Scotland secretary Ian Murray said: ‘With economists warning Scotland is headed for a jobs crisis it is reckless beyond imagining to call for a referendum during our recovery.

‘Hearing the casual way with which Nicola Sturgeon dismisses those independent experts that she is so fond of quoting when they agree with her and her failure to answer any of the tough questions on separation – from effects on income to the border – is playing fast and loose with people’s futures.

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