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EuropeEU grants Turkish garlic geographical indication

EU grants Turkish garlic geographical indication

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EU grants Turkish garlic geographical indication

The <a title="EU" href="/index/eu">EU</a> on April 16 granted protected <a title="geographical indication" href="/index/geographical-indication">geographical indication</a> (PGI) registration to the <a title="Taşköprü" href="/index/taskopru">Taşköprü</a> <a title="garlic" href="/index/garlic">garlic</a> from the Black Sea province of <a title="kastamonu" href="/index/kastamonu">Kastamonu</a>. 

Residents in the province celebrated the completion of a three-month waiting period for granting the registration.

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli welcomed the move on Twitter and said: “Taşköprü garlic, the world-famous ‘white gold’ of Taşköprü [district of Kastamonu], received geographical indication registration from the European Union. I congratulate those who devoted efforts.”

Taşköprü district mayor Abdullah Çatal told Anadolu Agency that he hopes the registration will be beneficial to producers and the district.

“An average of 20,000 tons of garlic is produced annually, according to Çatal, who said 4,000 farmers in the area earn a living from the garlic. “New lands that could be used for garlic production have begun.”

    <p class="tags"><a title="Turkey" href="/search/Turkey">Turkey</a>, </p>
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