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Thursday, September 19, 2024
EuropeEU to Reduce Migrant Funds For Greece, Reports Say

EU to Reduce Migrant Funds For Greece, Reports Say

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

“Of course we will demand more money, but there are no more funds for dealing with emergencies, while the population of migrants we are hosting has decreased significantly and, consequently, so have the needs,” the sources said as quoted by the newspaper.

The officials have also stressed that while the country is facing a “new reality,” it is still vital they maintain the infrastructure, which is needed to host migrants, and prepare for the future.

Nearly 59,000 people are living in migrant facilities in Greece, the newspaper reported, citing the ministry’s data. About 10,000 of them have been recognized as refugees, which means they will soon leave this special housing.

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