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Sunday, September 8, 2024
NewsHighlights of Pope Francis’ third day in Iraq - Vatican News

Highlights of Pope Francis’ third day in Iraq – Vatican News

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We relive at a glance the most beautiful images of the third day of the Pope’s historic visit to Iraq.

The Holy Father on Sunday visited the cities of Erbil, Mosul and Qaraqosh, where he renewed his call for fraternity, hope and peace.

Pope Francis began the day in Erbil, where he met with the President and the Prime Minister of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, as well as civil and religious authorities.

From Erbil, Pope Francis travelled to Mosul, where, in the midst of the devastation wrought by ISIS, he prayed for peace for victims of the war in Iraq and throughout the Middle East. 

At the Church of the Immaculate Conception, in the northern Iraqi town of Qaraosh, the Pope met with members of the local Christian population, urging them to rebuild their communities based on forgiveness and fraternity.

Finally, Pope Francis returned to Erbil, where he celebrated Sunday Mass with some 10,000 members of the faithful. 

“Today,” he said in his homily, “I can see at first hand that the Church in Iraq is alive, and that Christ is alive and at work in this, His holy and faithful people,”

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