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NewsReligion no bar at Khatkar toll plaza

Religion no bar at Khatkar toll plaza

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JIND: Farmers on Sunday observed a ‘Sarv Dharma Sammelan’ (congregation of all religions) at Khatkar toll plaza in Jind district to send out the message that people from all faiths were together in the fight against the Centre’s three agro-market laws which have sparked widespread protests.
Thousands of farmers took part in the congregation. Protesters said BJP had damaged the state’s social fabric and that of the nation as well during its six years of rule. “BJP did nothing, but playing politics of divide and rule,” said one of the speakers.
Nawab Ali, one of the protestors at toll plaza, said, “Muslims are equally dedicated to the nation and always contributed to nation building, but BJP pushed the community back just to rule over people. But this fight to repeal the farm laws pertains to every section of society. If farmers are prosperous, the nation and every section of society would be happy automatically. We will support farmers until laws are repealed,” he added. sGurudev Singh, a Sikh from Durana village in Jind district, said they organised the congregation, so that the BJP government could come to know that all religions and communities were standing by it firmly. “A peaceful and disciplined movement is being defamed by the government. But, today, they will get the message as thousands of people from different communities gathered to show their solidarity,” he added.

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