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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
EuropeAzerbaijani President declared Nagorno-Karabakh status issue as left in past - MFA's...

Azerbaijani President declared Nagorno-Karabakh status issue as left in past – MFA’s comment on European Parliament’s resolution

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By Trend

Leyla Abdullayeva, the spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, commented on the latest resolution adopted by the European Parliament, Trend reports citing the ministry.

According to Abdullayeva, the reporting document again reflected the EU’s unequivocal support for the territorial integrity of the Eastern Partnership countries (including Azerbaijan) within their internationally recognized borders.

“As to some unfounded and belated issues, reflected in the resolution, firstly, our position on the future status of the region, security, and heritage of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh is clear and has been unambiguously stated many times,” she said.

“We once again bring to the attention of the deputies unfamiliar with this position that the President of Azerbaijan has declared the status issue as left in the past. As for the security of the Armenian population and heritage, the rights of all citizens on the territory of Azerbaijan, regardless of nationality and religion, are ensured by the Constitution of Azerbaijan, and historical and cultural monuments are protected at the state level,” noted the spokesperson.

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