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NewsAfrican Traditional Religion for the African; let's go back to our roots...

African Traditional Religion for the African; let’s go back to our roots — Nana Owonae Advise Ghanaians

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

The Central Regional Chairperson of the Psychic and Traditional Healers Association Limited, Nana Kojo Owonae who is also the Chief Priest of the Santrofi Shrine at Asebu has said the African Traditional Religion is the best.

He noted that it is where Africans and for that matter Ghanaians belong. “This is what our ancestors bequeathed to us and we must adhere to its principles and tenets and we shall go far”.

According to him, one cannot be an African Traditional spiritualist or practitioner and deliberately misbehave or do evil against someone and go scot-free as most pastors do in the country.

“If I knowingly go and have sex with someone’s wife, whether I’m seen or not my spirits will kill me for engaging in such a diabolic act”.

But, according to him, a pastor can commit same sin and nothing happens to him or her and this is the main reason why Christians speak against their religion.

He added that, church members are unwilling to talk about such an abominable act, but with “ours the ‘God’s’ and our ancestors would deal with you regardless of the punishment the community decides to give you”.

When asked why does it work like that, Nana Owonae explained that, every spirit one work with would tell him or her what is acceptable and unacceptable. “So once you break the rules, the spirits will arrest you and sometimes it’s very difficult and painful. This is what the church and religion fears and have decided to engage in worship where sin and evil are tolerated”.

The Chief Priest noted that when one unknowingly offends his ‘gods’ or spirit, there are remedial measures that can be deployed to appease them so they can forgive you. You would have suffered a great pain before you recover and be set free.”

The Santrofi Shrine Priest admonished Ghanaians to believe in what they have because it works perfectly well and very capable of protecting them from all evil spirits and setting them free.

Nana Kojo Owonae was speaking to this writer in a one-on-one conversation at his shrine at Asebu in the Abura Asebu Kwamankese District within the Central Region today Thursday, 7th January, 2021.

In concluding, he advised all and sundry to be careful about the kinds of Traditional priest they visit to seek help from. “There are some charlatans among us and we are gradually weeding them out to sanitise our space”.

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