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ReligionChristianityThe Conference of European Churches: The responsibility for what is happening is...

The Conference of European Churches: The responsibility for what is happening is not only the political leaders

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The Conference of European Churches (CEC) issued a statement condemning Russia’s attack on the Ohmatdet Children’s Hospital in Kyiv. Its chairman at the moment is the archbishop of Thyatira and Great Britain Nikitas (Ecumenical Patriarchate).

The text states that “… CEC unequivocally condemns the horrific attack by Russian forces against the Okhmatdet Children’s Hospital in Kyiv. This horrific act, directed against the most vulnerable members of society, constitutes a war crime and a grave violation of international law and humanitarian principles. The attack is a stark reminder of the horrors of this war and the suffering of Ukrainians.

As a church assembly, we condemn all forms of violence and aggression. Christ’s teaching calls us to love our neighbors, protect the innocent and strive for peace. The brutal attack on a children’s hospital stands in stark contrast to these core values. As part of CEC’s Pathways to Peace initiative, we emphasize the urgent need for a ceasefire in the face of such atrocities. The path to a lasting and just peace requires an end to violent aggression with the withdrawal of the invading army and compliance with international law and human rights. This is the path to sustainable peace.

We call on politicians and church leaders to hold the Russian Federation accountable for its actions. The responsibility lies not only with political leaders, but also with religious communities who must speak out against injustice and work for healing and support for those affected. The Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations rightly holds the Russian Orthodox Church responsible, as it categorically supports the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, incites inter-ethnic and inter-confessional enmity, and preaches the godless ideology of the “Russian World”.

We encourage all European governments to provide the necessary aid and support to Ukraine, ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches those in need and that lasting peace is established.

In these difficult times, we stand with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in praying for an end to violence and the dawn of peace. May God’s grace and compassion guide us all in our efforts to support and uplift those suffering in this conflict.”

The Conference of European Churches was the first religious Christian organization to respond to the outbreak of the war in 2022. Then-CEC president Dr. Christian Krieger addressed Russian Patriarch Kirill, saying: “Your silence disappoints and frightens.”

CEC was established in 1959, during the Cold War, and has its headquarters in Geneva, as well as representative offices in Brussels and Strasbourg. 126 Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic churches from all European countries are members of the organization, as well as 43 organizations that have the status of associate members. The Roman Catholic Church is not a member of the CEC, but since 1964 it has actively cooperated with the organization. In 1997-1998 the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Georgian Orthodox Church, by decision of their synods, have canceled their membership in this organization, as well as in the World Council of Churches.

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