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EuropeForeign Minister Receives Credentials from New Ambassador of the European Union to...

Foreign Minister Receives Credentials from New Ambassador of the European Union to Belize

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

Senator the Honourable Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration received copies of the Letter of Credence of the new Ambassador of the European Union to Belize, Her Excellency Marianne Van Steen at a virtual ceremony on December 17, 2020.
Following her presentation, Foreign Minister Courtenay and Ambassador Van Steen held substantive discussions on key areas of Belize-EU relations, including the recently achieved political deal on the new Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS), the EU blacklists of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and AML/CFT, and the Schengen visa waiver.
The EU is one of Belize’s most significant political, development, and trading partners. In his remarks, Minister Courtenay said that the Government of Belize is looking forward to a strong, effective, and efficient partnership with the EU characterized by open and constructive dialogue.
Accompanying the Foreign Minister was Honourable Ramon Cervantes, Minister of State, and Ambassador Amalia Mai, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.

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