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Monday, September 30, 2024
NewsBJP cries foul over ‘religion’ in Agency survey

BJP cries foul over ‘religion’ in Agency survey

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Agency surveyBy Express News Service – VISAKHAPATNAM: BJP MLC PVN Madhav on Monday took exception to inclusion of religion column in the household survey being conducted by ward volunteers in Agency areas of the district. Speaking to mediapersons here, he said in the column, an option was given to choose ‘tribal religion’. He questioned the rationale behind inclusion of the religion column in the survey. “It is against the Constitution to include religion. Tribals belong to Hindu religion and there is no religion called tribal religion. It is an attempt to divide Hindus by showing SCs and STs as people of separate religions,” the MLC said.

Stating that there is no such survey in any other State in the country, he demanded that the State government immediately suspend it. Meanwhile, BJP State vice-president and former MLA P Vishnu Kumar Raju said courts should function on Saturday and Sunday also.

He said the authorities were serving notices on Friday evening and demolishing the structures on Saturday and Sunday. Hence, the victims are unable to seek any relief  from the courts. In view of this, a court bench  should function on Saturday and Sunday, he demanded. 

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