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Monday, September 30, 2024
News70% of Nigeria’s problems rooted in religion, says Pam

70% of Nigeria’s problems rooted in religion, says Pam

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The Executive Secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC), Rev. Yakubu Pam, has said that 70 per cent of the problems and crises witnessed in the country were rooted in religion. Pam, whomadethedisclosureduring acourtesy call by the Muslim Youths Council of Nigeria (MYCN) on his office in Abuja, stressed on the need for peaceful coexistence regardless of religion, adding that recent developments showed that Nigerian youthswerewillingtoreposition the countryunto the path of peaceful coexistence.

He said: “70% of our problems, crisis in Nigeria are rooted in religion; it is unfortunate that religion is being used for so many evil things but of recent, I can see a very good new shift.

“The people they were using before, which are the youth from the age of 12 to 40, were the instruments in the hands of politicians, extremists, religious leaders they have been using them to cause all sorts of mayhem and crisis, but in recent times, the same people they were using are the same people that are proffering solutions to Nigerian crisis. “I see the MYCN as the solution to all the troubles we have been having in this country, because your thinking is not like their thinking, it is quite different from those people who are doing this kind of thing both from the Muslim side and the Christian side. I foresee hope for Nigeria that indeed something great is going to happen in building our relationship together here in this country. We need to keep preaching peace.”


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