More than twenty peace messages from various spiritual and belief traditions present in the city were heard in Plaça de Sant Jaume.
Barcelona, 30 June 2022. La Pau del Cor [The Peace of the Heart] took place on Wednesday, 29 June, at 7 p.m. in the Plaça de Sant Jaume in Barcelona. More than 650 people attended the event, which was hosted by journalist Rosa Maria Calaf.
This vigil for peace had the collaboration of the Directorate General of Religious Affairs of the Department of Justice of the Generalitat (Government of Catalonia), the Barcelona City Council, Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona, the XIP (Xarxa Interreligiosa per la Pau)[Interreligious Peace Network] and AUDIR [Unesco Association for Interreligious Dialogue].
Justícia i Pau proposed an interreligious and interconvictional space of silence, meditation and vigil for peace, with the participation of the different religious and spiritual traditions present in the city, which read different texts referring to each community. Texts were also read by various social entities, which, based on humanism and the defence of the common good, defend the culture of peace. The reading of the different texts was accompanied by the music of Ravid Goldshmidt’s handpan.
Among the communities that took part in this event were the Raval Sikh Community, the Bet Shalom Synagogue, the Església Cristiana Siriana d’Antioquia, the Centre Cultural Islàmic Camí de la Pau, l’Església de Nostra Senyora del Perpetu Auxili d’Ucraïna, l’Església Anglicana de Barcelona, l’Església de Jesucrist dels Sants dels Darrers Dies, l’Església Evangèlica Baptista el Redemptor de Sabadell, l’Església Evangèlica Protestant de Barcelona-Centre, l’Església Ortodoxa Romanesa, l’Església Cristiana Evangèlica de Gràcia, la Comunitat Filipina de la Parròquia de Sant Agustí, l’Església Adventista del Setè Dia, the Church of Scientology, the Bahà’í faith, Brahma Kumaris, the Federació de Famílies per la Unificació i la Pau Mundial, Sukyo Mahikari and the participation of Catholic, Evangelical, Muslim, Hindu, Maçonist and Buddhist communities. And finally, representatives of the Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, the Federació Catalana de Voluntariat Social and
La Pau del Cor was the largest event so far in the peace week
Arcadi Oliveres.
The event was attended by H.E. Ms. Ada Colau, Mayoress of Barcelona, Hble. Ms. Lourdes Ciuró, Minister of Justice, and Ms. Yvonne Griley, Director of Religious Affairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya.