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Wednesday, September 18, 2024
InternationalFinland officially banned the purchase of property by Russian citizens

Finland officially banned the purchase of property by Russian citizens

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The Ministry of Justice of Finland approved last week a law that prohibits the sale of real estate to citizens who endanger the independence of Finland.

The document signed by the Minister of the Supreme Court has already been published.

The document says that the main purpose is to protect the national identity of Finland. For the preparation of the legal proposal for the prohibition of foreigners to carry out transactions with Finnish real estate, it was officially announced at the end of August.

The restrictions will apply to the purchase in Finland not only of residential properties (apartments, houses), but also of agricultural lands, as well as land and office properties.

Exceptions will apply to Russian citizens living in Finland with a permanent residence visa. The ban will not lock in those with dual citizenship.

At the same time, it is known that the authorities in Latvia are considering the possibility of forbidding the freezing of real estate similar to that in Finland. This is the latest message from the news portal Delphi.

Illustrative Photo by Paul Theodor Oja: https://www.pexels.com/photo/view-of-colorful-houses-in-the-city-of-porvoo-finland-3493651/

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