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Monday, September 16, 2024
ReligionChristianityA monastery in the Kursk region severely damaged

A monastery in the Kursk region severely damaged

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A Ukrainian drone struck a monastery in the Kursk region of Russia, Reuters reported on 19.07.2024. A 60-year-old parishioner was killed in the attack, which took place around 08:30 local time.

A Russian channel in “Telegram” indicated that a drone had fired eight projectiles at the Belogorsky Monastery “St. Nicholas” in the village of Gornal, next to the Ukrainian border.

Ukrainian authorities have not commented on the attack.

The men’s monastery was founded in 1671 and the writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky once lived there, who immortalized his conversations with the monks in his novel The Brothers Karamazov.

A child was injured in a previous attack on the monastery in August last year.

St. Nicholas Monastery in Gornal village, Kursk Diocese, has been severely damaged in the hostilities that broke out in the Kursk region after the Ukrainian troops had crossed the state border of the Russian Federation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled St. Nicholas Monastery, which is located in Gornal village, Sudzha district, Kursk region, several kilometres from the border with Ukraine, patriarchia.ru reports.

According to the abbot of the monastery, Hegumen Pitirim (Plaksin), the Ukrainian forces opened fire on the monastery at about 7 a.m. on 6th August 2024, practically destroying the monastery’s main church that was being prepared for consecration. Burnt walls is what is left of the church. The Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God and the brethren’s living quarters caught fire and were also seriously damaged.

On 7th August, most of the monks managed to evacuate. Seventeen people left the monastery. During the evacuation, one person, a monastery worker, died. Two monks still remain in the monastery. It is impossible to contact them.

There is continuing uncertainty as to what is going on in the monastery now. According to unverifiable information, it is under control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As the hostilities in the region continue, it is impossible to obtain additional information about the people still remaining in the Gornal Monastery and the damage to its buildings.

As for other churches in the Kursk Diocese that may be damaged by the shelling, information is being clarified.

Photo: DECR Communication Service, 09/08/2024

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