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Monthly Archives: June, 2023

Florence is chasing Airbnb and similar platforms out of its historic center

The authorities in the busiest tourist centers will have the right to impose a minimum stay of at least 2 nights Florence intends to ban...

Companies must mitigate their negative impact on human rights and the environment

Parliament adopted its position for negotiations with member states on rules to integrate into companies’ governance the impact on human rights and the environment

M87 galaxy with the cosmic digestive system

New observations of the M87 galaxy reveal how a powerful jet forms around a monstrous black hole.

In Chukotka sell eggs only with a passport

In the town of Bilibino in Chukotka, Russia, they started selling eggs only after presenting a passport. This was announced by the governor of...

Antidepressants and mental health, a bloody multi-million dollar business

Antidepressant use continues to rise in a world that seems easier on the pill than on finding the real problem and solving it. In 2004,...

Antidepressants and mental health, a damn billion-dollar business

The consumption of antidepressants keeps increasing in a world that looks easier for the pill than for finding the actual problem and solving it. In...

Largest ancient statue in the Vatican under restoration

The Vatican's largest ancient statue is undergoing restoration, the AP reported. The 4-meter-tall gilded Hercules is believed to have stood in Pompeii's theatre in...

Those fined in Turkey for not following the rules during the pandemic will be able to get their money back

People fined in Turkey for not following the rules during the COVID-19 pandemic will be able to request a refund of the amount paid,...

Tropical tuna targeted, Bloom complains of flagrant fraud by French vessels

Tuna // Press release by Bloom - On 31 May, BLOOM and  Blue Marine Foundation have lodged a complaint with the Public Prosecutor at the Paris judicial...

UN agency for Palestine refugees on verge of financial collapse

Chronic underfunding over the past decade, and resultant severe austerity measures, mean UNRWA is already operating with a $75 million shortfall, putting its lifesaving...

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