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InternationalA sharp jump of N. Macedonians with Bulgarian passports after a new...

A sharp jump of N. Macedonians with Bulgarian passports after a new census in Skopje

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

The largest number of the population in the Republic of Northern Macedonia who have dual citizenship are those with N. Macedonian and Bulgarian citizenship – 19,645, according to new data published by the State Statistical Office from last year’s census. The enumerators also registered 165 citizens who have only Bulgarian citizenship, BTA reported.

There are 10,909 citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia with Macedonian and Serbian citizenship, 3,819 with Croatian citizenship and 2,164 with Albanian citizenship. 2393 people are registered with a passport from Kosovo.

Of the total permanent population living in the country, 1,778,725 are citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, 53,201 are citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia and another country, 4,203 are citizens of another country only, and 584 are stateless.

According to the data, there are more men with dual citizenship – 30,003, and women with dual citizenship – 23,198.

By age groups, the majority of the permanent population in the Republic of Northern Macedonia with dual citizenship is between 35 and 39 years old. Half of the people with dual citizenship are young people aged 20 to 34 – 11,768 people, and the active population aged 35 to 49 – 15,171 citizens.

How does Skopje (not) count Macedonians with Bulgarian passports?

Another census in the Republic of Northern Macedonia raises questions again. After earlier Skopje announced a surprisingly small number of Bulgarians – only 3,504 people who declared their ethnicity in the census, now there are just over 19,000 who have dual citizenship – Bulgarian and N. Macedonian. At the same time, the data in our country show that for the last 15 years 86,566 Macedonians have received Bulgarian passports, as in 2020 alone there were 9,000 people, and in 2021 it was 7,692.

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