How Garbage Fuels Ocean Cleaning | Gianni Valenti | TEDxMünster
Imagine this vast area—that is in this very moment continuously killing wildlife, poisoning our waters and blocking Phytoplankton from completing natural absorption and conversion to oxygen—becoming the very “green fuel” for its own elimination
Gianni Valenti, founder and president of the environmental NGO GAIA FIRST, was invited to present his project “How Garbage Fuels Ocean Cleaning” at the annual TEDx conference in Münster, Germany on September 18 2021.
The GPGP Project
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is the largest of the so-called plastic continents at 1.6 Mn sq kilometers in size comprising 80,000 tonnes of floating garbage. Its size can be equated to nearly 3 times that of France or the state of Texas. GAIA FIRST’s GPGP project will work on the threefold objective of Restoring, Recycling and Reviving, in order to clean up the GPGP and convert the waste found there into green energy—namely hydrogen—using gasification technology. This operation has the potential of offsetting CO2 emissions equal in size to 4 times the amount offset by the entire Amazon rainforest, as clearing away the waste debris will leave room for Phytoplankton to complete natural CO2 absorption. It is critical that the world grasp the importance of oceans with regard to Climate Change and examine actionable plans to take action.
Gaia First’s GPGP project for ocean cleaning. Also, we’d like to call upon all readers/listeners to visit our website to further inform themselves on GAIA FIRST’s actions and to follow our social media accounts.