Russia has proposed introducing a state exam for women before marriage. The idea was presented in a petition by psychologist Philip Litvinenko, IA DEITA writes.
The initiative is not a sexist “joke”, but rather the opposite, as it will help women “treat men” properly and preserve marriage. In itself, this skill will have a beneficial effect on family union.
The psychologist cites current statistics: in the first two or three years in Russia, seven out of ten marriages break up, and for several reasons. “First, a woman makes a mistake when choosing a man. The second reason is when a woman does not know how to develop a relationship with a man and how to manage it,” Litvinenko explained in her petition.
The inability of women to “treat men” leads to the development of relationships that fall into a dead end, the expert said. “In such a relationship, a woman will always be unhappy. “Small domestic scandals will soon turn relationships into hell,” he explains.
According to the psychologist, there is a way out of the situation – to introduce at the state level a ban on marriage for women who do not pass the state exam for driving a man “within which they will be able to confirm that they know enough about men.”
However, the petition has so far collected very few signatures to enter the field of view of the Word, the agency explains.