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Thursday, September 19, 2024
AmericaKim Kardashian will dress American athletes for the Tokyo Olympics

Kim Kardashian will dress American athletes for the Tokyo Olympics

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Her brand SKIM will also take care of the US Paralympic team

Kim Kardashian and SKIMS will take care of the clothes of the US national team for the Olympics in Tokyo.

Kanye West’s ex-wife announced her partnership on her Instagram account, which posted photos of American athletes posing with her line of home clothes, pajamas and lingerie.

“Since I was 10, I’ve been following every detail of the Olympics, thanks to my father. As I watched the athletes compete, I realized that dedication and honor were part of the Olympics. “I traveled with my father and family to all the different cities for the Olympics and at every stop I bought an Olympic T-shirt as a souvenir,” Kim wrote in her profile (https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqwk28sBYA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link).

She told her followers kimkardashian that the circle closed when she received an offer to take care of the appearance of the competitors. SKIM will also dress the US Paralympic team.

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