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SocietyGuinness has announced who is the oldest man on the planet

Guinness has announced who is the oldest man on the planet

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This is almost 113-year-old Puerto Rican Emilio Flores.

A 112-year-old Puerto Rican man of 326 days has been named the oldest man on the planet, UPI reported. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records and received a certificate of achievement.

Emilio Flores Marquez was born on August 8, 1908 in Carolina, Puerto Rico. He is the second of 11 children in the family.

“My father raised me with love and taught me to love everyone. He always told me, my siblings to do good things and share everything with others,” said Marquez, known among his friends as Don Milo.

The oldest man on the planet has been married to Andrea Perez de Flores for 75 years. His wife died in 2010. They have four children, two of whom are deceased.

The previous record for the oldest man on the planet was held by Romanian Dumitru Comanescu, who was 111 years and 219 days old. He died at the end of June last year. -, a month after he was officially declared a record holder.

Emilio received his official Guinness World Records title certificate in his home, where he commemorated the life-long achievement with celebratory photos.  

He and his family are thrilled to share this experience.  

“It’s always an honour to celebrate these remarkable human beings, and this year we’ve processed applications from not one but two contenders for the title of Oldest living man. I am thrilled to feature Sr. Márquez – born, interestingly, on the 8th day of the 8th month in the 8th year of the 20th century! – and bring his fascinating story to the wider public. But alongside this, I am also pleased that we got the chance to pay our respects to Dumitru Comănescu, who briefly held the record but sadly passed before we went to press.” – Craig Glenday, Editor-in-Chief at Guinness World Records

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