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Thursday, September 19, 2024
News‘Stop blaming religion, this is bare-faced crime’

‘Stop blaming religion, this is bare-faced crime’

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr

Seasoned Journalist, Kwesi Pratt Jnr has rebuked the two teenagers accused of committing a gruesome murder of a 10-year-old at Kasoa in the Central Region.

Two teenagers named Felix Nyarko, 15, and Nicholas Kini, 17, allegedly murdered a 10-year-old boy at Lamptey Mills in Kasoa on Saturday.

The deceased, Ishmael Mensah, was a class four pupil of the Maranatha School and was killed at about 10 am last Saturday.

It is believed the teenagers committed such hideous act for ritual money purposes.

They appeared before the Ofankor District Court today following their arrest by the Kasoa Police Command.

Meanwhile, the murder has provoked discussions on the human quest for quick riches and luxury life.

Speaking on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo”, Kwesi Pratt expressed bitter feelings about the act by the teenagers, wondering how they could harbour a thought to kill for money.

To him, this incident has nothing to do with “religion but [rather] it’s a bare-faced crime”.

“Can killing a human be religion?” he questioned, silencing all critics who may want to toll the line of religion in addressing the issue.

He stressed; ” . . it’s important that we separate religion from crime. What’s going on; it has nothing to do with religion . . . this is not religion. This is plain-faced criminal activity.”

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