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Sunday, September 8, 2024
EuropeEconomy, Trade and Finance: European Parliament leader: He will closely monitor the...

Economy, Trade and Finance: European Parliament leader: He will closely monitor the Brexit trade agreement

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The European Parliament announced its decision on the ratification of the Brexit trade agreement with Great Britain on Wednesday. morning Sassoli admitted that Brexit “will naturally lead to significant unrest and inconvenience to citizens and businesses.” “You cannot get the benefits of EU membership while you are abroad. However, this deal is a major step towards mitigating the worst.” He said the agreement could form the basis “on which we can build a new forward-looking relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom.” “Despite the UK’s decision to leave the union, we still have deep, long-term relationships, values, history and geographical proximity.”

The European Parliament announced its decision on the ratification of the Brexit trade agreement with Great Britain on Wednesday. In the morning (9 am) the Presidency will announce the results of the vote on Tuesday evening. If the majority agrees, as expected, the contract, which was only provisionally enforced, can enter into force on May 1st. This means that British goods can enter the European Union duty-free and unlimited – and vice versa.

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