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Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Europe'Can't Sleep Well at Night': EU's Michel Tormented by 'Sofagate' Embarrassment

‘Can’t Sleep Well at Night’: EU’s Michel Tormented by ‘Sofagate’ Embarrassment

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European Council President Charles Michel still cannot get over the inopportune “sofa incident” in Ankara and it haunts him even in his sleep.

Reliving this awkward episode, that saw Ursula von der Leyen left without a seat, Michel confessed in an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt that he would have acted differently, if only he could turn back time.

“I make no secret of the fact that I haven’t slept well at night since because the scenes keep replaying in my head”, Michel told the paper.

The European Council president, alongside his colleague Ursula von der Leyen and Turkish President Erdogan, met in Ankara on Tuesday.

Photo : European Union/screenshot
European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, Council President Charles Michel and Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan

The talks were marred by an unfortunate chair arranagement – there were only two seats, which were promptly occupied by Michel and Erdogan, leaving von der Leyen with no other option than to take a seat on a sofa further away from the two men.

The incident was quickly nicknamed “sofagate” by social media users.

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