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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
NewsBible and religion professor announced

Bible and religion professor announced

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On Monday, the Bible and religion department announced that Breanna Nickel, GC class of 2010, will be joining the faculty in the fall. Nickel graduated with a double-major in Bible, religion and philosophy and peace, justice and conflict studies, and continued her studies with a master’s degree at Yale Divinity School and a Ph.D. in the theology department at the University of Notre Dame. She is currently the Conrad J. Bergendoff visiting fellow in religion at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. 

“I am thrilled to be joining Goshen’s religion, justice and society department in the coming year,” Nickel said. “There is something very special about teaching at one’s alma mater, and I am appreciative of the legacy that I carry. I also cannot wait to work and collaborate with Goshen’s student community, and I invite any student to contact me. Introduce yourself, or let me know what you want from your college education!”

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