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EuropeYouth in Uzbekistan: personal stories of living through the COVID-19 pandemic

Youth in Uzbekistan: personal stories of living through the COVID-19 pandemic

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

It’s hardly possible to find someone whose life has not been changed in one way or another because of COVID-19. In this photo story young people from Uzbekistan share their experiences of living through a pandemic and how it has transformed their lives. Such personal experiences reflect on the impact that COVID-19 has had on physical and mental health, relationships, values and priorities for young people facing the future.

Challenges and restrictions posed by the pandemic have been especially difficult for young people, considering the rapid lifestyle changes brought about by the need to follow protective measures and self-isolate. “The pandemic has taught its lesson to almost everyone, including those who didn’t get sick and didn’t lose their loved ones,” notes Ms Lianne Kuppens, WHO Representative and Head of the WHO Country Office in Uzbekistan. “It made them learn something important about themselves, their families, and people around them. I would say that everyone had a unique experience likely to bring a long-lasting impact.”

Here we publish highlights from a photo exhibition run by the WHO Country Office in Uzbekistan in January–February 2021 with the support of the UN Information Centre. Supporting young people to cope with the pandemic and become more resilient for the future remains a priority for WHO.

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