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EuropeEuropean Parliament to seek carbon border levy by 2023

European Parliament to seek carbon border levy by 2023

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Tue, March 9, 2021, 7:11 PM·1 min read

BRUSSELS, March 9 (Reuters) – The European Union should impose carbon border costs on imports of certain industrial products by 2023, the European Parliament said on Tuesday.

By forcing companies to pay an emissions-based fee to sell polluting goods into Europe, Brussels aims to level the playing field for domestic firms and avoid companies leaving Europe to avoid CO2 costs – known as “carbon leakage”.

Parliament on Tuesday adopted amendments to a report aimed at influencing the European Commission’s proposal for the policy, due in June. Those amendments did not alter a draft plan to introduce the measure in certain sectors by 2023.

Parliament will rubber stamp its position on the overall report with another vote on Wednesday. (Reporting by Kate Abnett Editing by Marguerita Choy)

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