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NewsVatican Museums: Come, let us worship #8 - Vatican News

Vatican Museums: Come, let us worship #8 – Vatican News

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Most Holy Mother of God – Our Lady “of the Sign”, Slavic-Macedonian art (17th-18th cent.), tempera and gold on chestnut tablet, © Musei Vaticani

This tablet depicts the Virgin presenting the Child Jesus on her chest within a circle that recalls the sun, while her arms are raised in the ancient pose of the person in prayer. The tradition behind this representation is extremely ancient, and very common in the East. It is called “of the Sign” because it recalls the prophecy of Isaiah (7:14): “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign; the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel.”

© Musei Vaticani

“The first duty of all those who recognize in the Mother of Christ the model of the Church, is to unite themselves to her in giving thanks to the Most High for working great things in Mary for the benefit of all mankind.”

(Pope St. Paul VI – Apostolic Exhortation “Signum Magnum” – 1967)

Under the direction of Paolo Ondarza
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