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Thursday, September 19, 2024
NewsCovid dismissal upheld by court in Barcelona citing European Union rules

Covid dismissal upheld by court in Barcelona citing European Union rules

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

SOON after the start of the Spanish lockdown, the Government had a Royal Decree passed which effectively stated that no-one could be dismissed due to Covid-19 related matters.

Now however it is facing a dilemma as a court in Barcelona has ruled that a dismissal of an individual on July 3, 2020 had to be upheld due to Spain’s relationship with the European Union.

Thank you for taking the time to read this news article “Covid dismissal upheld by court in Barcelona”.

By John Smith


Married to Ophelia in Gibraltar in 1978, John has spent much of his life travelling on security print and minting business and visited every continent except Antarctica.

Having retired several years ago, the couple moved to their house in Estepona and John became a regular news writer for the EWN Media Group taking particular interest in Finance, Gibraltar and Costa del Sol Social Scene.

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