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Monday, September 30, 2024
NewsAkeredolu to Nigerians: Don’t to allow religion, politics to us

Akeredolu to Nigerians: Don’t to allow religion, politics to us

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Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State has urged Nigerians not to allow their differences in religion, politics and even social stratification to create artificial and needless boundaries in other to achieve a greater state.

This was contained in the Governor’s New Year Message made available to newsmen on Friday in Akure by the Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Donald Ojogo.

Akeredolu expressed optimism that the best of all is embedded in every individual as long as the resolve to surmount challenges was placed above “self-abnegation”.

He said: “Humanity has never been insulated from challenges and clearly too human challenges have never remained invincible and endlessly insolvent. Undoubtedly, Year 2020 was fraught with a web of challenges.

“All the same, our individual and collective approach to Year 2021 remains a potent force that can open our minds to the hidden and exploitable opportunities required for fresh paths of growth and development.”

He said losing faith in ourselves and the nation was not an option but a clear route to self-abnegation.

“We only require a new approach, fresh ideas for results of uncommon nature to face the unusual times,” Akeredolu said.

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