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EuropeEU’s Barnier says giving Brexit trade talks ‘final push’

EU’s Barnier says giving Brexit trade talks ‘final push’

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.
European Union’s Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier wears a protective face mask as he arrives at 1VS conference centre ahead of Brexit negotiations in London, Britain October 24, 2020. — Reuters pic

BRUSSELS, Dec 22 ― EU negotiator Michel Barnier vowed Tuesday to continue to push for a post-Brexit trade deal through the last ten days before Britain leaves the single market.

“We are really in the crucial moment, and we are giving it the final push,” Barnier told reporters as he headed into a meeting with EU ambassadors in Brussels

“In 10 days the UK will leave the single market and I will continue to work, in total transparency with the European Parliament and the member states,” he said. ― AFP

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