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EuropeEuropean Parliament adopts resolution on rule of law in Bulgaria

European Parliament adopts resolution on rule of law in Bulgaria

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With 358 votes in favour, 277 against and 56 abstentions, MEPs adopted the resolution on the rule of law in Bulgaria. The document calls for full and unconditional respect for European values, BNR reported.

The European Parliament regrets the significant deterioration in the compliance with the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights in Bulgaria, including the independence of the judiciary, the separation of powers, the fight against corruption and freedom of the media.
The continuing systemic problems in the judiciary have been criticized. The resolution expresses solidarity with the demands for justice, transparency and democracy, concerns about the process of constitutional reform and changes to the election law before the elections.
The resolution is not legally binding. Prior to the vote, Socialist and Green groups voted in favour of the resolution, while the European People’s Party voted against.

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