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NewsCovid 19: Italy, UK set to introduce new measures as cases increase...

Covid 19: Italy, UK set to introduce new measures as cases increase – Vatican News

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By Vatican News staff writer

Coronavirus continues its spread around the world amid efforts to stem a second surge, with about 37 million confirmed cases and more than one million deaths.

In many countries which had apparent success in handling initial outbreaks, health experts are beginning to express concern as infection rates rise again.

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Italy is preparing fresh nationwide restrictions in response to a recent increase in Covid-19 cases.

On Friday, the country recorded over 5,000 infections in a single day for the first time since March. Daily infections remained over the 5,000 mark on Saturday and Sunday. 

Health Minister Roberto Speranza said new measures are necessary to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus and avoid tougher measures later on.

Already last Wednesday, the country made it mandatory to wear face masks outdoors nationwide.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to announce details of new measures on Monday to deal with the rising coronavirus infection rate after the UK reported about 12,000 cases on Sunday.

The prime minister is expected to outline details of a plan to place areas in England in three tiers of “medium”, “high” and “very high” risk as the government struggles to curb the infection rate.

The three-tiered classification will include shutting down bars, gyms and casinos in areas placed under the “very high” alert level.


India’s coronavirus cases rose by over 66,000 on Sunday, making it the second country to cross the seven-million mark.

With the latest spike in Covid-19 cases, India is edging closer to overtaking the United States as the country with the most infections.

Indian health officials have warned about the potential for the virus to spread even more during the upcoming religious festival season which climaxes in October and November with the celebrations of Dussehra and Diwali. These festivities are usually marked by huge gatherings in temples and shopping districts.


Coronavirus cases in the US have seen an uptick in recent days as the country recorded over 50,000 new cases daily in the past four days according to the World Health Organization.

The US is currently the world’s most affected country with approximately 7.6 million cases. 

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