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After a long break, the dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Pre-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches was resumed


On September 16 and 17, the residence of the Coptic Patriarch in the monastery “St. Bishoy’, Wadi el-Natrun (i.e. the Nitrian Valley), hosted a meeting of representatives of the Orthodox Churches of the world with the pre-Chalcedonian or ancient Eastern Orthodox Churches. This comes after a gap of about thirty-four years since the last meeting in 1990, under the late Coptic Patriarch Shenouda the Third. The purpose of the current meeting was to prepare the renewal of the dialogue between the two families of churches. During the meeting, the participants also discussed a number of religious and social issues in the field of church care and ministry under the motto “Christ’s love compels us” (2 Cor. 5:14).

Each church was represented by two members who were from Constantinople, Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Romania, Cyprus, Jerusalem, Syria, Lebanon, Armenia, Poland, Egypt, Eritrea and Albania.

The meeting was opened with a welcome from Coptic Patriarch Theodore II and a message from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, which was read by his representative, Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon.

The participants agreed to continue meetings and mutual visits in the next period in order to support the ministry of the Orthodox Churches and to address the social challenges affecting the Christian family in all its forms. The co-chairs will visit the churches in the various countries and will inform them of the results of the theological dialogue at this time.

The resumption of the Orthodox-pre-Chalcedonian theological dialogue comes after the interruption of the dialogue between the Copts and the Roman Catholics, which was announced by the Coptic Church with its decision of March 2024. As a reason, the Copts highlighted the admission of a form of blessing of same-sex couples by the Roman Catholic Church.

This theme also found a place in the joint communique after the end of the meeting, in which the representatives of the Orthodox Church and the Pre-Chalcedonian Churches stated: “Our church families perceive the indissoluble and loving union between a man and a woman in holy marriage as a “great mystery” (Eph. . 5:32), reflecting the relationship between Christ and the Church, in contrast to some modern approaches to marriage. From this union arises the family, which is seen as the only basis for the birth and upbringing of children according to the divine plan. That is why our churches consider the family as a “small church” and provide it with appropriate pastoral care and support.

Our churches categorically reject the justification of same-sex relations within the framework of so-called “absolute human freedom” that causes harm to humanity. Our churches, by affirming their full faith in human rights and freedom, also affirm that the freedom of the created is not absolute to the extent of transgressing and violating the Creator’s commandments.

The communique also noted the common celebration of Passover next year: “As 2025 marks the seventeen hundredth anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, and Christians around the world will celebrate Passover on the same date, the representatives of both families expressed their desire that all Christians around the world celebrate Easter following the canonical tradition of Nicaea and the Orthodox Paschalia”.

Finland officially banned the purchase of property by Russian citizens


The Ministry of Justice of Finland approved last week a law that prohibits the sale of real estate to citizens who endanger the independence of Finland.

The document signed by the Minister of the Supreme Court has already been published.

The document says that the main purpose is to protect the national identity of Finland. For the preparation of the legal proposal for the prohibition of foreigners to carry out transactions with Finnish real estate, it was officially announced at the end of August.

The restrictions will apply to the purchase in Finland not only of residential properties (apartments, houses), but also of agricultural lands, as well as land and office properties.

Exceptions will apply to Russian citizens living in Finland with a permanent residence visa. The ban will not lock in those with dual citizenship.

At the same time, it is known that the authorities in Latvia are considering the possibility of forbidding the freezing of real estate similar to that in Finland. This is the latest message from the news portal Delphi.

Illustrative Photo by Paul Theodor Oja: https://www.pexels.com/photo/view-of-colorful-houses-in-the-city-of-porvoo-finland-3493651/

The rock monastery in Turkey shrouded in clouds, myths and legends


The monastery “Holy Virgin Sumela” rises 1200 meters above sea level.

The majestic building stands menacingly on the edge of the cliffs, its frescoes faded and distorted. The facade shows the deep traces of time and when the spires are enveloped by clouds, the monastery looks like an apparition.

Sumela rises 1200 meters above sea level and is located in Altendere Park. Although it is only about 50 kilometers from the Black Sea city of Trabzon, the monastery is not overly popular.

How the “Holy Virgin Sumela” appeared is the subject of legends and outright myths.

One of them states that an icon of the Holy Virgin Mary, painted by the Apostle Luke himself, was lowered into the cave by two angels.

Somewhere in the 4th century, two monks read the omen and decided to found a monastery right in front of this same cave, and gradually a whole complex sprung up there.

In the heart of the monastery is the so-called Rock Church, which is as if dug into the rocks. Over time, chapels, cells, common rooms, an aqueduct and others were built around it.

All this has experienced a dizzying change of eras – from the collapse of the Roman Empire, through the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman rule, to Turkey‘s struggles for independence.

Some of the frescoes are badly damaged – in one place Saint John has no hand, in another Jesus is faceless, in a third there are vandalized inscriptions on the frescoes.

Again, myths say that because of some mystical power, the Ottomans spared “Sumela” and left the monastery intact during their invasion.

The latter, however, is more likely due to the location of the monastery complex, which made the invaders not hang it. It is a fact that in the 18th century the monks were calm enough for the monastery to paint a huge part of its walls with the frescoes that are still visible today.

The crisis for “Sumela” came in the 1920s, when after the First World War the monks left the monastery in panic.

Massive migrations due to the military conflict did not pass the region and the priests fled to Greece, but not before burying a large part of the valuables in secret places around the monastery.

After that, “Sumela” was attacked by vandals, deceived by the rumors of what untold riches the monastery hides. Valuables were never found, but a significant part of the unique frescoes were damaged, the altars were broken, and the cells of the priests were insulted.

In 1970, however, the Turkish Ministry of Culture turned its attention to Sumela and began the first restoration program. In the 1980s, symbolically, on the Great Mother of God, the monastery officially began to receive pilgrims and tourists again.

The restoration works are still ongoing because the frescoes are many and complex. The only images that are completely spared are those of the Virgin Mary, because she is considered a holy figure in Islam as well.

The monastery can be reached from Trabzon by private transport or by one of the organized buses. Entrance is 20 euros, and “Sumela” is open for visits and prayers all year round.

The Russian Orthodox Church consecrated amulets for the soldiers at the front


Amulets were consecrated on September 16 in the main temple of the Russian Armed Forces. They are called “Seals of Purity”, contain Psalm 90 and will be sent to the Russian military in Ukraine, the manufacturers boasted.

The “Seals of Purity” were made by the famous artist Dmitry Sever, “in the style of church calligraphy”, in four versions – “normal” and camouflage.

Fans of computer games immediately recognized in military amulets a replica of the red sheets with wax seals that are attached to the armor of the “Angels of Death” – space marines from the popular game Warhammer 40k.

In-game Seals of Purity are described as: “The perfect accessory for fans of the Warhammer 40K universe. These are metal or wax seals used to attach strips of parchment to the armor of a war machine or infantryman. These seals show the piety and purity of the faith of their bearer. Seals of Purity are perhaps the most common award in the Imperium and are found in all armies loyal to the Throne. Every day thousands of people, at the discretion of the missionaries and the blessed cardinals, receive this high honor”.

The makers of the amulets claim to have been inspired by the computer game and its ‘Seals of Purity’ as they believe that ‘Russian soldiers in the Special Military Operation Zone are the world’s brightest warriors who fight the forces of chaos’. They also produced titanium icons “Spas Neraktoverten” (the image of the Savior not made by hands or the so-called tablecloth), which were also sent to the front.

The Orthodox Church in principle forbids the creation of amulets, regardless of what texts are written on them, and defines their creation and use as paganism.

Photo: ‘Seals of Purity’ / Warhammer 40K.

The Western Wall in Jerusalem cleaned of the prayer notes


The occasion is the Jewish New Year

The stones and cracks in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem were cleaned of the thousands of notes with prayers and wishes left by the faithful, called “Messages to God”. The procedure is performed twice a year under the supervision of the chief rabbi. Now the occasion is the Jewish New Year, and so a place will be made for the new notes, which will be left in the holiest place for the Jews.

Shmuel Rabinovitch, who is the chief rabbi of the Western Wall and Israel’s holy sites, emphasized that this year’s notes “were soaked in tears.”

The messages collected after the cleaning will be buried with a special ritual on the Mount of Olives near the city, as tradition dictates. Offering a prayer through a note that is placed between the stones of the Wailing Wall dates back centuries. Visitors from all over the world take advantage of the opportunity to have their requests heard.

The Western Wall, or the Western Wall as it is also known, is one of the symbols of Judaism and one of the most visited sights in Israel. It is a legacy of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, which it reminds of. The temple was destroyed in the 1st century, but the Wailing Wall maintains its sanctity among the faithful.

The name “Wailing Wall”, and descriptions such as “wailing place”, appeared regularly in English literature during the 19th century. The name Mur des Lamentations was used in French and Klagemauer in German. This description stemmed from the Jewish practice of coming to the site to mourn and bemoan the destruction of the Temple and the loss of national freedom it symbolized.

Muslims have associated the name Al-Buraq with the wall at least since the 1860s.

Source: “Reuters”

Photo: Engraving of the Western Wall., 1850 by Rabbi Joseph Schwarz.

Local and regional authorities play a crucial role in building resilient democratic societies: conference hosted by Council of Europe Congress

Local and regional authorities play a crucial role in building resilient democratic societies: conference hosted by Council of Europe Congress

The role of local and regional authorities in effectively responding to the challenges facing European democracies, in supporting Ukraine, protecting human rights, saving the environment, and enabling young people’s involvement is the focus of a conference of associations of local and regional authorities from the Council of Europe’s 46 member states, that started on 12 September.  

The conference was opened by Marc Cools, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities; Arnoldas Abramavičius, Vice-Minister of Interior, on behalf of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers; Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe; and Congress Youth Delegate from Andorra Lisa Cruz Lackner.

Ekrem Imamoglu, Mayor of Istanbul and President of the Union of Turkish Municipalities, and Gunn Marit Helgesen, President of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities and President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, opened the debate on the role of national associations in strengthening territorial democracy.

“Resilience, reconstruction and reform of Ukraine”, “Boosting democracy by engaging all citizens” and “Local innovation for stronger local authorities” are the themes of the round tables to be held as part of the conference.

On 13 September, the event participants adopted a joint declaration to reaffirm the commitment to the Council of Europe’s values and standards.

The event, which was streamed online, coincided with the Council of Europe’s 75th anniversary and the 30th anniversary of the Congress, and is held under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers.

Resilience and reconstruction of Ukraine: Call for expanded partnerships with Ukrainian municipalities

Resilience and reconstruction of Ukraine: Call for expanded partnerships with Ukrainian municipalities

There is a need for expanding municipal partnerships and co-operation between Ukrainian and other European municipalities, and for sharing good practices of municipal support for rural and small communities to increase their resilience; European local authorities must also pass a common motion of support to Ukraine and against the Russian Federation and develop projects to support protection, recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine. The Congress should help to raise awareness of Ukrainian local authorities on how to make use of the Council of Europe’s Register of Damage for Ukraine, while donors – such as Ukraine Facility – should invest more in education, with a focus on youth, and in developing social housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs).

These were some of the conclusions from the round table on “Resilience, reconstruction and reform of Ukraine” held as part of the Conference of associations of local and regional authorities on 12 September 2024 in Strasbourg. During a highly solemn and emotional debate, the participants stressed that reconstruction and reform required new strategies, laws and capacities, as well as joint positions and dialogue, and that reconstruction was not only about infrastructure but also about recovering communities, reconstructing the social cohesion and restoring cultural heritage as a reflection of the Ukrainian identity. Ukrainian mayors had additional responsibilities due to the war as they had to address the needs of soldiers, residents and displaced persons while also working on reconstruction; and the Ukrainian young people suffered from multiple challenges due to the disrupted education and feelings of despair, anxiety or depression, highlighting the need for a public mental health system.

“As co-organisers of Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 we continue our work to expand partnerships at local level, since municipalities do a lot for Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery. Let us join efforts for every Ukrainian municipality to establish cooperation with a municipality from other European country,” underlined in her video message Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany. Vitali Klitschko, President of the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) and Mayor of Kyiv, referred in his video message to the Concept for the Recovery of Local Self-Government in Ukraine, developed by his Association, stressing that “it is important that local self-government is preserved today and restored everywhere after our Victory”.

“As local self-governments, we see our key goal as bringing people back to Ukraine from abroad and restoring life in de-occupied territories, and your assistance is key to sustainable development for our communities. Together with international partners, we are launching the Community Recovery School, which will consolidate the best practices of post-war reconstruction and create a solid foundation for the recovery of Ukrainian communities,” said Vadym Boichenko, Mayor of Mariupol and Chair of the AUC Section on the Development of De-occupied and Temporarily Occupied Municipalities.

Tetiana Yehorova-Lutsenko, President of the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils and Chair of the Kharkiv Regional Council, spoke of elaborating a national concept for the development of Ukraine’s regions based on regional strategies, which should become the foundation for Ukraine’s recovery and development. Petra Neumann, Legal Adviser in the Register of Damage for Ukraine, referred to an outreach strategy involving local and regional authorities.

Congress Youth Delegate from Ukraine Sofiia Bohdanova concluded the debate with the following words:“Young people in Ukraine hide everything inside. Far away. So deep. Because we understand that we can’t balance on the rope with baggage filled with doubts and fears. We go where we feel scared because we need to know what is waiting for us at the end of this rope.”

Congress and associations of local and regional authorities: renewed partnership in strengthening grassroots democracy


On 12 and 13 September 2024, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities hosted a Conference of national associations of local and regional authorities from the 46 member states, at the Palais de l’Europe in Strasbourg. Organised on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe and the 30th anniversary of the Congress, under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, the Conference brought together Presidents and representatives of some 60 national associations from across Europe, as well as Congress Bureau members and Heads of national delegations to the Congress, Congress Youth Delegates and guest speakers.

Over two days, they engaged in discussions on how local and regional authorities can respond effectively to the challenges facing European democracies, and on their role in supporting Ukraine, stopping democratic backsliding, protecting human rights, saving the environment and enabling young people’s involvement in democratic action, in the light of the decisions of the Council of Europe’s Summit in Reykjavik in May 2023.

The Conference opened on 12 September by Congress President Marc Cools, Lithuania’s Vice-Minister of Interior Arnoldas Abramavičius, Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Bjørn Berge and Congress Youth Delegate from Andorra Lisa Cruz Lackner. The opening debate on the role of national associations in strengthening territorial democracy and multilevel governance introduced by Ekrem Imamoglu, Mayor of Istanbul and President of the Union of Turkish Municipalities and Gunn Marit Helgesen, President of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities and President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).

The first round table will focus on the “Resilience, reconstruction and reform of Ukraine”, with presentations from Vitali Klitschko, President of the Association of Ukrainian Cities and Mayor of Kyiv, and Tetiana Yehorova-Lutsenko, President of the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils and Chair of the Kharkiv Regional Council, as well as Mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko, Executive Director of the Register of Damage for Ukraine Markyan Kliutchkovsky and Congress Youth Delegate from Ukraine Sofiia Boudanova

The second round table on “Boosting democracy by engaging all citizens” focused on fighting sexism in politics, ensuring the right to free, fair and transparent elections and promoting youth engagement in public life as well as on ways to foster social inclusion and participatory democracy.

Finally, the third round table on “Local innovation for stronger local authorities” became the opportunity to discuss new approaches to promoting human rights at local level, improving internet safety and responding to cyberbullying, as well as the use of AI and digital tools to manage the integration of migrants and refugees, and local and regional responses to climate and environmental challenges.

All three round tables included an exchange with Conference participants where they could share their views and experiences. As the Congress promotes the participation of youth in public life, Congress Youth Delegates actively contributed to the Conference and shared their perspective on the current state of democracy and proposals for the future.

At the close of the Conference, participants adopted a joint declaration to reaffirm their commitment to the Council of Europe’s values and standards, and to give a renewed momentum to the partnership between the Congress and national associations.

Gaza: ‘Frightening increase’ in Hepatitis A cases

Gaza: ‘Frightening increase’ in Hepatitis A cases

“People in Gaza are facing yet another peril: Hepatitis A is spreading including among children,” Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, wrote on social media.

Since the start of the war last October, UNRWA shelters and clinics have reported 40,000 cases of the disease, he said, compared to only 85 in the same period before conflict erupted, representing “a frightening increase”. 

Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver caused by a virus of the same name that is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water, or through direct contact with an infectious person.

The accumulation of waste is posing a health hazard in Gaza.

Ideal conditions for disease

“The waste management system in Gaza has collapsed. Piles of trash are accumulating in the scorching summer heat. Sewage discharges on the streets while people queue for hours just to go to the toilets,” said Mr. Lazzarini. When combined, they “make a dangerous recipe for diseases to spread”.

Humanitarians are also preparing for the worst-case scenario of a polio outbreak following the recent discovery of the disease in sewage samples.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this week that although efforts are ongoing to acquire vaccines, it is not enough just to get them across the border. 

WHO called for a ceasefire and at the very least, clear roads and safe access to allow partners to reach every person in Gaza with the necessary vaccinations.

Access impediments

Meanwhile, humanitarians continue to face impediments to aid delivery, including continued hostilities, unexploded ordnance, damaged and impassable roads, attacks on aid convoys, a lack of public order and safety, and not enough border crossings.

The Israeli authorities also continue to impose restrictions on the entry of certain humanitarian supplies into the enclave. 

“These factors continue to significantly hinder the entry of aid into Gaza and the delivery of aid and basic services to hundreds of thousands of people across the Strip,” the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said.

In July, Israel facilitated just 67 out of 157 aid missions planned to northern Gaza. The others “were either denied, impeded or canceled due to security, logistical or operational reasons,” OCHA added.

‘Tragic and devastating milestone’

This week marked “a tragic and devastating milestone’ for UNRWA as the number of staff killed since the war began rose to 202, Mr. Lazzarini said in a statement on Monday.

This is the largest number of UN personnel killed in a single conflict since the Organization was established in 1945.

He said these fallen colleagues were teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, engineers, support staff, logisticians, and technology and communications workers.

Most “were killed with their families at home or in a place they thought would be safe”, while several lost their lives in the line of duty, providing humanitarian assistance to people in need.

“I echo the call from the Secretary General: the UN will spare no effort to demand accountability for the deaths of our staff,” he said.

“Over the coming weeks, we will find several occasions to mark this somber memory of our fallen colleagues.” 


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France – Yoga: Disproportionate widescale police raids with abuses starting from a personal settlement of scores


The starting point was a personal revenge by an academic who got a suspended sentence of four months in prison for harassment

On 28 November 2023, just after 6 a.m., a SWAT team of around 175 policemen wearing black masks, helmets, and bullet proof vests, simultaneously descended on eight separate houses and apartments in and around Paris but also in Nice. They were brandishing semi-automatic rifles, shouting, making very loud noises, crashing doors and putting everything upside down.

For comparison, in late August 2024, the French anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office engaged about 200 police officers to hunt a suspect who had tried to set a synagogue ablaze in the southern French city of la Grande-Motte and caused an explosion wounding a police officer and destroying several cars nearby.

The November 2023 raids were not an operation against a terrorist or armed group or a drug cartel. It was a raid targeting eight private places mainly used by peaceful Romanian yoga practitioners.

Most of them had chosen to combine the pleasant with the useful in France: to practice yoga and meditation in villas or apartments kindly and freely put at their disposal by their owners or tenants who were mainly yoga practitioners of Romanian origin and at the same time to enjoy picturesque natural or other environments.

The first objective of the operation was to arrest people involved in “trafficking in human beings”, “forcible confinement” and “abuse of vulnerability” in organized gang. The second objective was to save victims of these illegal activities but there were no such victims.

About 50 of them happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and had nothing to do with the search warrant justifying the operation.  At any rate, they were victims of the police intervention as they were kept in custody in inhuman and humiliating conditions for two days and two nights, or more in some cases, for interrogations. Human Rights Without Frontiers interviewed about 20 victims of the police raids and abuses, in particular in Villiers-sur-Marne, Buthiers and Vitry-sur-Seine. None of them and others was interviewed by the French media.

The Romanian yoga practitioners were not treated with the same respect and humanity as Pavel Durov, the big boss of the famous social media Telegram, when he was arrested at the end of August 2024, getting off his private jet in Paris. After four days of police custody and interrogation, he was released on bail despite 12 serious charges – child pornography, complicity in all sorts of arms and drug trafficking for willfully failing to regulate Telegram according to the French law. The authorities put him under judicial control at the risk of letting him escape as the Lebanese businessman Carlos Ghosn managed to do by concealing himself inside a large box shipped as freight on a private jet while he was under house arrest in Japan awaiting trial in 2019. Double standards. “Depending on whether you are powerful or miserable, the court judgments will make you white or black…,” wrote the famous French writer La Fontaine in one of his numerous fables.

The testimonies collected by Human Rights Without Frontiers about the inhuman and humilitating conditions of the custody of the Romanian yoga practitioners detained and interrogated by the French police after the November 2023 raids were confirmed by a Canadian researcher:  Susan J. Palmer, an Affiliate Professor in the Religions and Cultures Department at Concordia University in Montreal who is also directing the Children on Sectarian Religions and State Control project at McGill University. She published her own findings after interviewing in Romania the yoga practitioners who had been arrested and kept in custody in France: The Police Raids Against MISA in France: Conflicting NarrativesMISA Students Tell Their Stories – The Yogis’ Complaints About The PoliceThe MIVILUDES Behind The Raids.

The question raised by this paper is “What is the origin of such a disproportionate police operation targeting yoga practitioners?”

At the origin, a university researcher sentenced for harassment against a female colleague

According to the French media, the story of the widescale police raids targeting yoga practitioners started with a University of Angers medical researcher called Hugues Gascan.

His peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journal shows that he is an esteemed scientist, said Massimo Introvigne in Bitter Winter. Some of his earlier articles were co-authored with a female colleague, P.J., and others.

At one stage, a dissent emerged between Gascan and P.J. about alternative therapies for cancer and perhaps other matters as well. Gascan accused P.J. of being influenced by her participation in a “cult” led by a Canadian teacher of tantric yoga.

The conflict in the laboratory became so acute that the University of Angers in 2012 decided to close the research center where both Gascan and P.J. had worked. Gascan now presents himself as a victim of a “cultic infiltration” into his laboratory but court records tell a different story.

His female colleague P.J. filed criminal charges against him for “moral harassment” and had him sentenced in first instance, and on appeal, and finally by the Court of Cassation on May 14, 2013, which confirmed the suspended sentence of four months in prison. The term “harassment” was used 11 times in the final judgment.

According to the court decisions, he also harassed other employees of his laboratory. Several people in the university testified that they had personally been subjected to a similar pattern of denigration of their work, and to various forms of bullying which led to their isolation from the group and their removal from the department.

The judges noted as well that a forensic psychological examination of P.J. had confirmed she was in a good mental health, and that even the governmental anti-cult agency MIVILUDES, reported that no cultic deviances had been identified” in her behavior.

This experience seems to have developed a deep hatred of Tantric yoga groups in Gascan.

Gascan and MIVILUDES behind the massive police raids

After this failure, Gascan declared war on cults. In 2022 he created a small confidential anti-cult group of two persons called GéPS (Groupe d’étude du phénomène sectaire/ Study Group of the Cult Phenomenon). This ‘group’ was almost unknown until November 2023, has no website and no public report of activities but surfing on the anti-cult wave in France easily attracts the attention of the media in a positive way. It was a way for Gascan to bury in the sands of oblivion his judicial troubles and his suspended sentence of four months in prison, and to restore his personal public image.

He boasted in some French media, as Le Point and Nice-Matin, that for 10 years he had investigated the activities in France of the Romanian Tantric yoga group MISA founded by Gregorian Bivolaru who had been accused of using it for sexual abuse. Moreover, he claimed that he had provided testimonies and his research documents to the governmental anti-cult agency MIVILUDES (Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Combat against Cultic Drifts) but they never emerged in any trial. His thunderous declarations earned him the pinnacle of certain media outlets in search of sensationalism as “The man who brought down MISA.”

According to him, the then president of MIVILUDES, Hanène Romdhane, transferred his reports to Claire Lebas of the Cellule d’assistance et d’intervention en matière de dérives sectaires/ Assistance and intervention unit with regard to cultic deviances  (Caimades) and from there to Major Franck Dannerolle, head of the Office central pour la répression des violences aux personnes/ Head office for the repression of violence against persons  (OCRVP). The result was the police raids of 28 November 2023 on eight separate houses and apartments in and around Paris but also in Nice, Gascan said.

While readers of French media are led to believe that this operation was the result of a Sherlock-Holmes-like work by GéPS, the sensational stories and accusations that he shared with some journalists had been known for years by the French authorities. At this stage, the accusations of trafficking in human beings and sexual abuse of foreign women have never been confirmed by any court decision in Europe.

Moreover, two scholars have investigated the testimonies of so-called victims of sexual abuse and have highlighted their unreliability: the Italian scholar Massimo Introvigne in his book Sacred Eroticism: Tantra and Eros in the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA) (Milan and Udine: Mimesis International, 2022)  and the late Swedish scholar Liselotte Frisk in her research the case of Finnish women claiming to have been victims

In Gascan’s public narrative, there was nothing new, except the claim that in November 2023 several women were allegedly held captive in eight houses and apartments in France to be sexually abused by Bivolaru.

Surprisingly for the 175 policemen wearing bullet-proof vests and armed with semi-automatic rifles, none of the women reportedly ‘liberated’ and interrogated by the police confirmed Gascan’s story but numerous women were victims of abusive police custody in humiliating and traumatizing conditions during which there were serious breaches of the law as Human Rights Without Frontiers brought to light throughout interviews of about 20 female yoga practitioners.

Whether Gascan’s fake story about the alleged trafficking and detention of several foreign women for sexual abuse in France really influenced the MIVILUDES and the French judicial authorities in the decision that was taken to launch such a huge operation finding no victim will only be verifiable if access to key administrative documents of the MIVILUDES is granted to researchers.