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On 26 November, the European Parliament adopted an urgency resolution highlighting “The deteriorating human rights situation in Algeria, in particular the case of journalist Khaled Drareni,” who was sentenced to two years in prison on 15 September 2020. Proposed by six out of the seven political groups, the resolution signals a broad agreement across the political spectrum. The undersigned national and international civil society organizations consider its adoption to be a timely and much needed step to address the escalating crackdown on civil society, peaceful activists, artists, journalists, and the independence of the judiciary.
"Mejora Foundation awards three prestigious teachers in the 7th Edition of the Religious Freedom Awards"
The Church of Scientology Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society, in consultative status with the United Nations...
The law meant to tackle political Islamism in France should not target religion
The resurgence in attacks by radical Islamists in France, home to Europe’s largest Muslim population, has rekindled fierce debates about Islam, secularism,...
Yesterday’s terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria has once again attested to the fact that in no way could the world community afford selective approaches in the fight against international terrorism, as it is the...
Following today’s attack in Nice and following on from the murder of Samuel Paty on 16 October, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has condemned all forms of terrorism and extremism and called for mutual understanding and dialogue between all peoples and nations.
The MEPs say that needs to be done with a sufficient amount of staff and funding.
The European Times INFO has learned today about a letter that 48 MEPs from different groups requesting the European...
Anti-cultism is back in France. Media around the world have covered President Macron’s announcement of a new law against “separatism,” explaining it as a measure against radical Islam. It is surely true that Islam...
This World Day Against Death Penalty The International Community must take immediate steps to ensure states repeal laws which mandate the death penalty for apostasy or blasphemy
IAS members gather to learn about their achievements in the last year. Spanish government includes anniversary as religious festivity of Church of Scientology
BRUSSELS/MADRID, BELGIUM/SPAIN, October 7, 2020 / -- October 7th, 2020. IAS members...
As reported by the World Union of Old believers, The Old Believers living in the historical region of their historically traditional regional residence in the Republic of Belarus became victims of the violence unfolding...
As Scientologists celebrate the 50th anniversary of the German Church of Scientology and its peaceful and fruitful social actions to the benefit of German society, the representative of the European Church requests the UN Human Rights Council to launch an investigation on Germany for violating their Freedom of Religion
Reporter Gabriel Carrion launched his book on Scientology and controversies surrounding it with a Church’s spokesperson answering over 50 questions about it. MADRID/BRUSSELS, SPAIN/BELGIUM, August 24, 2020 / -- Journalist Gabriel Carrion has launched his second book on Scientology and the controversies surrounding it with the Church’s European spokesperson answering over 50 of the most asked questions about this religion.
There are, estimated, 25,000 Hindus who live in Ireland, according to the director of the Vedic Hindu Cultural Centre
The Irish Times has reported today that Ireland’s first official Hindu Temple has formally opened its...