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Monthly Archives: November, 2021

We work, but we can’t afford at home heating

Due to the low salaries they receive, almost three million people in the European Union cannot afford to heat their homes, even though they...

A unique golden bible found. Which queen is it?

Lancaster nurse Buffy Bailey discovered a miniature golden Bible with the help of a metal detector along with her husband Ian near York. The security...

The first TV channel for dogs launched

The first dog TV channel is launched in the UK. The program is created entirely according to the preferences of four-legged animals, and its...

This magical addition to coffee speeds up the metabolism

See what scientists have found Coffee is probably the most consumed beverage in the world. According to the British Coffee Association, more than two billion...

Scientology Volunteer Ministers give indispensable support to children with disabilities

Scientology Volunteer Ministers give indispensable support to children with disabilities in Debrecen, Hungary DEBRECEN, HUNGARY, November, 2021 / Scientology Volunteer Ministers traveled to Debrecen to support...

Simulating Galaxy Formation in Mesmerizing Detail for Clues to the Universe

“In astrophysics, we have only this one universe which we can observe,” Mark Vogelsberger, an MIT physics professor, says. “With a computer, we can...

Scientists May Have Unlocked Function of Mysterious Structure Found on Neurons in the Brain

Unusual clusters on neurons are calcium-signaling “hotspots” that activate gene transcription, allowing neurons to produce crucial proteins. For 30 years, mysterious clusters of proteins found...

EU Budget 2022 conciliation talks suspended

Parliament and Council have suspended the talks on the EU budget for 2022 on Friday without agreement.
Committee on Budgets

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

Kyriakos Kyriakou-Hadjiyiannis, designated OSCE PA Special Representative on Civil Society Engagement

COPENHAGEN,Last August 20, 2021 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden) appointed Special Representatives to cover existing portfolios as well as several new...

Belarus-Poland crisis: Human rights of trapped migrants ‘paramount’ 

Amid growing concerns about the plight of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at the Poland-Belarus border, the UN rights office and UN refugee agency on Friday urged all parties to respect human rights and refrain from using them for political ends. 

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